Blossom, after Vincent Van Gogh (Almond blossom)

Year: 2020
Title: Blossom, after Vincent Van Gogh (Almond blossom)
Size: Ø 100 cm
Material: Bottle tops on MDF

    • Recycling The Masters
    • SOLD

Van Gogh experienced the most productive period of his career during his stay in southern France, calling Arles “the Japan of the South” for its abundance of sunlight and flowering trees. He first arrived in March 1888, when the fruit trees began to bloom, and immediately began painting at an almost unprecedented rate:

“I’m up to my ears in work because the trees are in bloom and I want to paint a Provencal orchard of amazing cheerfulness.”

This particular work, Van Gogh’s most famous painting of almond blossoms, was created for another special reason: the birth of his cousin, the son of his brother Theo. It’s one of Van Gogh’s rare paintings in which you can see hope, joy and serenity – which makes it all the more special.