All my art in one place 👇

Recycling the masters

With these works, I want to push back on what society considers valuable and beautiful and what not. While at the same time highlighting pressing issues such as consumption and waste.

Precious Metals And other exquisite waste

My art is basically a circular economy: I use the things most people call “waste” to create beautiful works.

This way, the “waste” is not waste anymore. And I help keep nature clean.

The pantheon of waste deities

I created all my works with the Upcycling technique.

Which is a fancy name for the simple process of turning waste materials, and useless, or unwanted products into new materials or products with a higher perceived value.

Signs of hope/ Symbols of unity

Waste is a key component in all of my works. And that’s because I hope to raise awareness around particular problems, such as climate change. Diminishing diversity, human displacement and deforestation…

Which is also the main goal of these works.


You’re not a drop in the ocean. You are the whole ocean in a drop. “— Rumi

This quote was the inspiration behind all these works. (You’ll figure out why when you check out the works. So, do that.)

The stillness in the centre

I based all these works on this quote 👇 

“There is no art without stillness, and without the reprieve from the constant demands of daily life.” 


I used recycled rubber to create powerful black and white images. 

They symbolize the different phases of life (each with its own choices and changes). And tell stories about the transformative moments of our lives. 

War journal

An artist plays a big part in any war…

He creates art about the experiences of war victims. And in doing so, he not only gives a voice to the voiceless. He also offers comfort, hope and peace in chaotic (and scary) times.


Ink is my favorite material to paint with. That’s why I created 8 (or 9, or 10 – lost count 😅) Japanese ink drawings that look beautiful.

Suggest you give them a chance 👇